YNACIO Releases Two New Art Pieces

December 9, 2021  20:37  |  News

Ynacio, an artist from eastern Montana, gives us a rare glimpse into his soul as he explains the journey that led him here and the inspiration for his unique artwork. He says, “As I begin to paint I’m looking at the kitchen counter of my double-wide trailer asking God, what are you sending me tonight? As I paint, I’m pursuing what God put into me. I put Him first in my life and everything I do, my gift comes from Him and Him alone. I’m self-taught, I’ve never taken an art lesson in my life.”

YNACIO Releases Two New Art Pieces

Photos – YNACIO archive © Broken

“I was homeless for years,” he goes on, “eating free bread or nothing, living with no heat or water, in an abandoned building at -40 degrees, and today I’m a homeowner. I was an alcoholic, drinking until I blacked out, but I’m clean and sober today. Now I help other recovering alcoholics to fight their demons. I was sexually abused for years as a child by evil men who were supposed “men of faith”. All of this about destroyed me, but the human will to live and God kept me alive.

Today I talk with people about what I went through and I believe it helps them. Why? Because I truly understand their situations. I hope others can find the same healing and peace I have through God and my artwork.

When you look at these two pieces or my other work online, remember what you see is being finger painted in the dark, by a 50-year-old guy who’s gone through hell and back, praising almighty God because He’s in control.”

YNACIO Releases Two New Art Pieces


Displayed here are two of his pieces with descriptions given in his own words:

“His whole life, Broken has been told he would never be anything and he’s accepted it. Although he was created by a God who gave him so much potential he listens to the voices in his head and that’s what broke him. Broken is like many of us; he believes it’s easier to fade away than to fight. He is absolutely worth fighting for but he doesn’t see it in himself. Look into his eyes. Feel his pain. Let him speak to you. But don’t become him. I love Broken and I know the world will love him, he just doesn’t love himself.”

“When this piece came to life he didn’t say anything. He just walked out of the darkness as you see him. I poured my soul into this piece and felt nothing in return. Some pieces speak and some pieces just remain still and I feel nothing. “Man” was that piece. Look at Man and take what you want, or give to him what you choose. But honestly, he doesn’t care either way, he’s just Man.”


