This Easter We Go Hunting in High Heels!

March 21, 2018  23:16  |  News

The Portuguese brand, known for its architectural touch and the colourful vibe is promoting sweepstakes to offer you one of their luxury styles.


Photos – Guava ©

The contest is being advertised on Guava Instagram page from March 21st until midnight 27th of March. The winner will be announced on the next day, by a random draw picker.

The brand has been evolving and presenting increasingly impressive designs and colour choices, for those women who dare nothing but to wear a statement piece on their feet.


To participate you just have to follow Guava on Instagram, comment their last post with the Easter GIF by telling where would you go for Easter break, which style would you take with you and tag 2 friends.


On top of that, you can still win the award of best friend as the winner’s tagged friends, will get a 30% discount each to use until April 10th on Guava online store.


