Eylül Aslan: ‘I have found my real home’

July 22, 2015  19:11  |  Let’s talk

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’

Photos: septemberlion.com

Sincere smile. Deep eyes and gaze full of curiosity for new explorations, horizons, experiences, challenges and opportunities. The rush of cars and people just disappears when young and talented Berlin based photographer Eylül Aslan a.k.a Septemberlion starts telling her story. “This city makes me happier than anywhere else in the world. I can finally be myself, I do not need to hide behind any masks, I do not need to pretend to be someone I am not.” – says she and invites to her world of inspiration, bright colors and polysemantic concepts.

How would you introduce yourself to those who don’t know you?

I am Eylül and I am from Istanbul, though I live and work in Berlin. I love the use of color, softness and natural light. Have a look at my photography and let me know if it makes you happy to see my photos as much as it makes me to make them.

When you were a kid, what was your dream about your future?

First thing was to leave Turkey. I did not really know where I wanted to move to, but I knew I had to get out of there. So that dream has come true. I have found my real home and that is Berlin. And though I was not sure what profession I wanted to have, I knew I wanted to do something that makes me happy. Photography was never a plan in my life, it just happened. I went with the flow of things and I am glad I did that.

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’

Have you always lived in Berlin? What are the feelings about this city? 

No, I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and I have lived there all my life until I moved to Berlin in 2012. I AM HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH BERLIN! This city makes me happier than anywhere else in the world. I can finally be myself, I do not need to hide behind any masks, I do not need to pretend to be someone I am not. Of course, there are exceptions but I feel like people are relaxed and they are real. And this attitude makes me feel better. I cannot help but compare Istanbul and Berlin most of the time and it is really interesting to hear other people being surprised because I left. They do not really know what it is like to live there. They cannot realize Berlin is a paradise. At least for me it is.

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’

Being a photographer means expressing the thoughts and feelings in a visual way. If you need to switch into another way of releasing your ideas, what would it be? Why?

I guess it would be writing. I do write a lot and I studied literature, so that is actually my Bachelor’s Degree. I have tried other ways before like drawing or painting but I am not that good at it and I am too impatient…Words are good because they come out of me very easily. I am a talkative person and it is never hard for me to express my thoughts or feelings. So writing feels natural to me.

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’

When you shoot, what do you take for granted: people as subjects, architecture or nature? How would you describe your style of photography?

I hope I do not take anything for granted, ever, also not in my private life!  My photography is a mix of everything. I feel like I need almost everything to blend in together, people, architecture and the nature. I think I am too “greedy” of a person to be satisfied with only one kind of subject. I would say what I do is a reflection of my personality. People who see my photos they also see who I am. I am in every photograph. It is very selfish really, and it makes me happier than anything else does because I feel like I am able to show my emotions through photography. Without it, I do not know what I would do. I kind of feel like people should take whatever they like from what they see in my photos, I do not mean to impose any of my own ideas or stories. I take photos for my own pleasure and if they like what they see, that is nice but I do not do it for them really.

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’

What’s next in your horizons?

I am working on my third book and this time I will be publishing it myself. I used to work with different publishers, and that made me realize that I will be happier, if I work on my own. Because then you do not need to worry about trusting someone else, and I mean that in every possible way. I also would like to travel to Japan and stay there for some months, I am sure that will be a very inspiring time for me.

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’

Finish the sentence: the best moments are … 

When I am picking up my film rolls and see the photos that I made. The waiting and the excitement is just every time wonderful. Also I am really the happiest when I am sitting in a cafe with good coffee and a delicious piece of cake and I am reading a very good book.

Thank you! 

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’

Eylül Aslan: ‘I havea found my real home’


