Mesmerizing Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

May 24, 2024  18:17  |  News

Mesmerizing Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Photo – courtesy of Xinhua Silk Road ©


The 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair was nothing short of spectacular, and the dance drama “Wing Chun” was the undeniable star of the show. Held in Shenzhen, China, this annual event has solidified its reputation as a cornerstone in the cultural and creative landscape. This year, it was “Wing Chun” that truly captured the imagination of attendees. These groups were treated to a captivating blend of cultural exchange and artistic excellence, bridging the gap between global communities.

One audience member from Singapore eloquently expressed his admiration, saying, “Wing Chun is a truly distinctive and remarkable art form. Its essence deeply resonates with me, drawing from the rich tapestry of Chinese culture and philosophy. My profound appreciation of this art form enhances my understanding of the deep thoughts it conveys.” He continued, “Wing Chun seamlessly integrates dance, martial arts, and cultural elements, offering a unique lens into China’s traditional culture and contemporary artistic prowess.”

The performance of “Wing Chun” is a mesmerizing fusion of tradition and modernity. It weaves together the ancient art of martial arts with the expressive power of contemporary dance, creating a narrative that is both compelling and culturally rich. Since its premiere in December 2022, “Wing Chun” has been performed over 150 times, enchanting more than 30,000 spectators across Asia with its unique blend of oriental charm and artistic innovation.

Excitingly, “Wing Chun” is set to make its European debut later this year. The production will tour the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, bringing a slice of traditional Chinese culture to Western audiences. This expansion is a significant milestone, aiming to showcase the beauty and depth of Chinese cultural practices and martial arts to a broader audience.

This year’s fair saw a substantial expansion, with the exhibition area growing to 160,000 square meters across eight halls at the main venue. These included the Cultural Industries Halls A and B, the Intangible Cultural Heritage – Art and Crafts Hall, and the International Cultural Trade Hall. With exhibitors from 60 countries and regions and visitors from 108 countries, the event underscores its global appeal and importance in fostering international cultural connections.

The Shenzhen International Cultural Industries Fair continues to be a pivotal event, celebrating cultural diversity and innovation. And with performances like “Wing Chun,” it reaffirms the power of art to transcend borders and connect people from all walks of life.


