Inspiring Story of Overcoming Cancel Culture

September 12, 2023  21:03  |  News

In 2014, Des Hague, an award-winning CEO, found his life upended by a mere forty-two-second video clip in the clutches of a social media mob. In his compelling new memoir, “Fifteen Minutes of Shame: How a Twitter Mob Almost Destroyed Me,” Hague narrates his journey of defying the odds, transforming adversity into improbable success, and fervently argues against the perils of embracing cancel culture. You can find this thought-provoking memoir available on platforms such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Amplify Publishing, and more.

Inspiring Story of Overcoming Cancel Culture

Photo – courtesy of Amplify Publishing ©

For nearly two decades, Hague had steadily ascended the corporate ladder, eventually becoming the CEO of one of the world’s premier hospitality providers—a true rags-to-riches narrative. However, when a video emerged on Twitter, rapidly going viral and tarnishing his reputation, his life took a seismic turn. Though he took responsibility for his actions and expressed profound remorse over the past nine years, he was compelled to resign from his position, faced threats to his family, and came perilously close to losing everything.

What the online mob remained unaware of was that the individual depicted in that brief video clip bore little resemblance to the true Des Hague—a man who had triumphed over a childhood marked by physical and sexual abuse, dedicated decades to building a loving family and a soaring career, and raised millions to combat child homelessness. “Fifteen Minutes of Shame” is a resolute reclamation of his voice, shedding light on the real person hidden behind the screen.

Infused with the wisdom garnered from rebuilding his life and drawing from Hague’s extensive experience leading global brands, this book offers profound insights into flourishing in the face of adversity, the indispensable role of resilience in achieving success, and invaluable guidance for the emerging generation of business leaders.


