Anne ten Donkelaar’s 3D flower constructions

June 8, 2015  17:46  |  News

Anne ten Donkelaar’s 3D flower constructions


Nowadays, when it already seems that nothing can surprise us, somebody dares to prove you are wrong. Anne ten Donkelaar is one of those people who find magic in simple things, and notices little creatures, which are ignored by majority of us. The Dutch artist graduated from Utrecht school of the art in 2007 and since then made an impressive career. Amazing 3D pictures made with flowers and greens, butterflies with broken wings or strangely grown weeds inspire Anne and she gives them whole new life in her arts.

The exhibition, which received great amount of attention, was with her newest 3D flower constructions. Artworks vary from very minimalistic, pale coloured stems to the whole garden with variety of bright colours and flowers putted into frames. Anne’s preciseness and accuracy in every tiny detail makes you dive into the story, which she wanted to tell by placing each plant or flower under the glass. And the most important thing is that every person can make up and image those stories in their own way.

Anne ten Donkelaar’s 3D flower constructions


