Vegan Food not only for Vegans

April 6, 2013  14:31  |  Daily Inspiration Fashion

Vegan Food not only for Vegans


This time we’re sharing something a little bit different with all of you. Since vegan food is becoming more and more popular and those fruity colorful pictures of vegan food look just delicious, we can’t resist sharing a couple of nice food blogs that we find really appetizing.

“Garden of Vegan” ( is absolutely not only for vegans. This blog has so many different simple food suggestions that you can’t say NO to them. They’re perfect for people who are always rushing and at the same time for those who care what they eat. Have you ever thought about oatmeal, banana, cinnamon and strawberries for breakfast? Can it be any easier to make it? Don’t let this blog out of your eyes. It has a bunch of brilliant ideas for your healthy table.

Vegan Food not only for Vegans

“Hipster Food” ( sounds very cheesy, but you know what they say…don’t judge from the cover. It’s another one vegan blog not only for vegans. Here you can find how to make smoothies, hot chocolate and other sweets as well as different types of salads and breakfast recipes.

We don’t say “go vegan”, but wouldn’t it be nice sometimes to detoxicate your body and welcome sunny days with a healthier soul and body?

Vegan Food not only for Vegans

Vegan Food not only for Vegans


