Spread the Reading Joy!

March 5, 2013  17:55  |  Daily Inspiration Fashion

Spread the Reading Joy!

Out of Print is an online clothing shop, which brings books back to fashion! While computer conquers our life people working in Out of Print tries harder than ever to show the incredible world of reading. It is not only beautiful from the inside but it is obviously magical from the outside as well. Book covers are put on t-shirts and hoodies that you could wear your favorite story everyday. There we have two best things in the world – fashion and reading together. How awesome would be to wear “Lolita”, “A Clockwork Orange” or “The Great Gatsby” on the way to a fashion show while others are wearing Alexander Wang and Chanel bag?

Find the goodies here and spread the reading joy: http://outofprintclothing.com/shop/shop-by-title/

Spread the Reading Joy!


